Tag: Germany
Berlin Christmas Markets
And just like that, it's all over. A s the time has come to pack away the decorations for another year, I'm remini…
Volt, Berlin
Berlin is one of my favourite cities in the world: it's edgy, modern, creative and inexpensive, with a vibrant arts and…
Ellington Hotel, Berlin
Earlier this month, my boyfriend and I went to Berlin for a long weekend of Christmas markets. We had a great time until …
Cologne Christmas Markets
I'm going to Berlin today for a long weekend and realised I never shared the photos from our lovely festive few days i…
Berlin Botanical Garden
In March I spent 36 hours in Berlin on a blogger trip with a jam-packed first day and time to do my own thing on the secon…
Restaurant Duke, Berlin
In March I went on a blogger trip to Berlin and had a whirlwind 24 hours planned with the Chamäleon Theater team and six …
36 hours in Berlin
Back in March I received an email asking if I'd like to go to Berlin to see the new Scotch & Soda production at Th…
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I'm starting the new year, as feels right after the cosy clutter of Christmas , with a bit of a spring clean. We moved last month into ...
212 came in late last year and pipped Kanye West and Jay-Z's Otis to the post for my song of 2012. Cool NYC MC Azealia Bank 's sec...
Whilst the weather's cold, the nights are dark and we're still indoors hibernating, it's the perfect time of year to upgrade yo...