Katy Perry's 25th Birthday Party

Katy Perry's 25th Birthday Party

For her 25th birthday at the weekend, Katy Perry threw a chocolate factory-inspired colourful party in Hollywood. The birthday girl and her guests all dressed in white for a sit-down dinner, bowling, a multicoloured paint fight and cake fight extravangza.

Sky Ferreira, Taylor Swift and friends

She had Oompa Loompas, mountains of sweets and giant lollypops, golden tickets, the super-sexy Leigh Lezark and her Misshapes boys spinning tunes, current beau Russell Brand (he likes his all-white ensembles), Perez and country cutie Taylor Swift with Cobrasnake taking the photos.

I've always liked her joie de vivre spirit, but I like her even more having seen the effort she made in going all out for the bash... Girl knows how to throw a party.