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Kate Middleton Fashion Speculation
According to Warehouse's newsletter yesterday - quick, responsive marketing complete with creepy, stalkerish store man…
ASOS PERRY Suede Fringe Heeled Shoe Boots
I bought these suede fringed heels from ASOS last year, but then I sprained my ankles and mostly wore (and wore out) my Gr…
Barbara Fialho
This girl ( Models 1's Barbara Fialho ) has a cool look and reminds me of a young Linda Evangelista and Sophia Loren …
Friday's ffffound: mirrors
make a statement in your living room with a mirror feature FOLLOW ON BLOGLOVIN' | FOLLOW ON TWITTER
ASOS Sale Highlights
Retail is all up in the collective face with sales left right and centre. Most stores must be trading terribly, because eve…
Eva Longoria L'Optimum
This is old news (approximately nine months old), but Eva Longoria looks/looked smoking hot on the cover of the July/ Augus…
Cher Lloyd in Wonderland
X Factor runner-up Cher Lloyd looks surprisingly grown-up and elegant in the current issue of Wonderland magazine: Di…
We spent a fantastic long weekend in Barcelona, spending a sunny day walking around Park Guell , gorging on delicious fruit…
Friday's ffffound
I'd really like to visit the extremely pretty coastal city Ålesund , which has been named Norway's most beautiful ci…
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I'm starting the new year, as feels right after the cosy clutter of Christmas , with a bit of a spring clean. We moved last month into ...
Whilst the weather's cold, the nights are dark and we're still indoors hibernating, it's the perfect time of year to upgrade yo...
212 came in late last year and pipped Kanye West and Jay-Z's Otis to the post for my song of 2012. Cool NYC MC Azealia Bank 's sec...